Friday, March 23, 2007

Columbus, OH

Let us not talk about Indianapolis, IN. Let us not dwell on its endless suburban highways and it's "nearby" Staples that was a 3 mile walk and didn't have any replacement printers in it when I got there. (My printer died for breakfast. And I can't write with hands anymore. It's a kind of devolution. Soon I won't be able to read from paper....). In fact the only interesting thing about Indianapolis, as far as I could tell, was that the promoter's rep came from Hawaii so I got to talk about Hawaii for half an hour at the end of the night. Which was nice.

But Columbus, Ohio, who knew? I took it as a sign that when the very pretty girl went into the North Market that I too should see what food stalls they had in there for me to eat lunch at ( I didn't ever claim to having a sophisticated decision making process) . I found a great vietnamese food counter and got a chicken soup (Pho Ga). After weeks of white bread and potato chips the hot, spicy broth with beansprouts and cilantro tasted amazing and I felt healthy for the rest of the day - I didn't eat a M&M until 7PM. It felt like the first day of spring yesterday, warm and sunny. And just to make us all smile a little more Marc got a ticket for jaywalking. I couldn't get any closer for the photo without risking annoying the cop some more. It cost him $86.00 to cross the road. Actually, crossing the road was free, it was giving the cop some lip that cost $86.

Today we have a day off in Chicago. The rooms were ready early, the sun is shining, the pretty girls are out on the street (There's always a day, every spring, especially in New York, when the weather changes and the girls come out. It's usually an unspoken thing, but every bloke I know knows about it when I've brought it up. Another reason to look forward to going home). I went to the diner I like to visit on Chestnut and read a ton of emails from friends. I felt normal walking around the city--no empty suburban highways here. There's a DVD player in my room too, so $60 later, after a snout around in Virgin's sale bins, and I'm watching Snatch and rewinding to translate Brad Pitt's genius Pikey accent. Life is ok, today. I'll be home in New York in less than a week. And I'm thinking about my friends, which is like spending time with them.

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