Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Over the Water

I'm trying to enjoy the city this summer now that I'm here. It is the best city in the world and I'm all the more appreciative of it after 5 months in China (which I've been missing this week....hmmm).

Although I promised myself I wasn't leaving Manhattan for months this time, I went across to Brooklyn at the weekend to see the Telectroscope (techincally this is acceptable because I could walk home, if I needed to). This is billed as a tunnel to London that goes under the Atlantic and, using mirrors, allows New Yorkers to stare at people on the South Bank near Tower Bridge, and vice-versa.

Silly as it sounds I'm glad people are still making art like this - even though it's akin to a giant webcam mounted on Fulton Landing. To be honest, once one had looked at the people in London looking back at you looking at them, it was kind of done, but still, sometimes one gag is enough. Ask Wyclef...

And it's hard to beat the view here - unless you're from Sydney or Rio.... here's an old faithful, just because...

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