Tuesday, August 29, 2006

10 Weeks Since You've Gone....

I got home (on the flight with the blathering man-child) after 10 weeks away only to find that absolutely nothing had changed. There were no problems, nothing to complain about, no new streets to navigate. In fact, an unkind judge could say that the Upper West Side had hardly noticed I'd been gone. Fickle bitch.

Still it was good to be home and while I had a ton of work to get stuck into I first exploded a couple of luggage bombs in my apartment. And then left them there - like a good single boy does - for most of the week until even I got bored of stepping over 10 weeks laundry. (Not strictly true, but not far wrong, either...)

So aside from realising I don't know what I like to do now that I'm home (True, sadly. Spent my first couple of days incapable of making decisions to do anything. Even going to see a movie was a HUGE decision), I reverted to my default position and settled onto the sofa to read. I reccomend Cold Skin by Albert Sanchez Pinol. It's perfect for anyone with a dark, gothic disposition; and Tourism by NIrpal Singh Dhaliwal, which is a very English (not British - and there's difference) almost tabloid read, but well-written nonetheless and with a great narrator. He's such a tosser.

I've also been listeing to Ok Go and The Tyde's new records. While buying The Swayze's genius "She's Like The Wind" from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack (it's time to re-stock the i-pod) a friend showed me the Dirty Dancing Havanah Nights soundtrack and Wyclef's on there with Claudette Ortiz singing Dance Like This. God Bless the 'Cleff. He had that one thing about shouting one-time, two-time over everything, now he's on his second idea of using the same song with a different singer - good luck to him. He was given two lemons and he's made gallons of lemonade out of them. And I really like the Shakira version. But if The Cleff stretches it anymore it'll snap. He should teach classes.

I can't read on tour, I can't concentrate for any period of time, but I do have to plan some travel for when we finish so I'm taking guide books with me on the next leg. I'm supposed to be going to Istanbul for mater's birthday (although after today's bombings I don't know if that still qualifies as a viable birthday present for her....) and when we finish touring I'm hoping to go to China for an extended period. That seems like a boss idea. But when doesn't it, eh?

We're off to Mexico soon. Just when I'd got used to being me, again. Oh well, time to dive for the last leg. I'm off to bed and then I'm going to take my personality suppressants....

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