Thursday, November 15, 2007

Evenin' All.

I think the weirdest thing is that I haven't been here for 2 1/2 years and I feel completely at ease. Shame my Chinese sucks, but at least it's amusing the kids.

Web access seems completely unrestricted except for some BBC feeds. I feel like I've been gypped a bit, as I remember it being harder to get to some sites.... I was hoping for a man in the wilderness feeling but here I am, not even in the country a full day and blogging. Imagine if Captain Oates had said, "I'm just going outside and may be some time." only to return a couple of minutes later to tell everyone, "Did you know there's an Esso garage just behind this big snowdrift....?" I feel a bit like that.

And on that note, I'm off to Starbucks, where small is still called fucking tall.

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