Friday, November 02, 2007

More Tooth Aches:

Nothing going on so I'm fixating on my new tooth. I was thinking that as I'd spent so much on tooth # 30 and it doesn't do anything other than look vaguely off-white in my mouth how much better it would be if I'd had it fitted with a little light like those kids in Shibuya have on the ends of the cell-phones? Then I'd have a disco mouth, which I've always quite fancied, and I'm sure it would add a whole new dimension to lots of activities. It might even get people to pay attention when I'm talking.

And as for getting my teeth fixed before going to China--apparently I messed up. A friend sent me a snippet from the esteemed UK Sun newspaper that told of a dentist called Wang Wal who, to help his patients relax during procedures, procured prozzers to give them blow jobs. I'm not sure how this worked, or if I'd be able to sustain the required interest while a man drilled into my tooth (wouldn't it be strange if it became an erotic fixation and you had to do it at home afterwards as the "only way it works now, love"?) but I felt gypped. I'm going to check on Dr Wang Wal's practice to see if you get the good drugs as well and if you do, then I'm taking a bumper bag of sweets and no toothbrush to Beijing....

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